“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Our thoughts are so vastly important to the accomplishment of the work of God (and conversely for the work of the Devil if we allow him) that there is spiritual warfare fighting for the use of our minds. Many secular people in history have understood this truth and yet Christians often seem to forget it. Our thoughts determine our eventual actions. They must be in obedience to Christ.
Once again (at risk of sounding like a broken record, for those who know what that sounds like) so much has happened over the past couple of months. Though it did not all go as we had thought it would go, we most certainly saw the hand of the Lord in all of it. I finished school and received my FAA Airframe & Powerplant combined certificate. This allows me to legally maintain aircraft. At the same time, I have now completed 20 years in the military and retired. It’s a very strange thing to be disassociated with the military after having been in for that long, but the excitement of what the Lord is doing and will do for our family going forward is certainly taking over for it.
For those that are not aware, I was sought out to work for a regional airline here in Portland. After much prayer and advice, we accepted the position, knowing it would only be for a short time. I had the opportunity to spend some time around incredible aircraft, receiving some invaluable training. It only lasted for about a month, but we are very confident that the Lord was in the decisions, both to take and to leave that position. We are now full-time on deputation and we are excited to draw closer to our mission field.
We had the great opportunity to spend almost a week with Valleyview Baptist Church in Northampton, PA at the beginning of November. They were such a blessing to our family and we thank God for like-minded churches. We also spent two separate Sundays with Old Paths Baptist Church in Tualatin, and just a few weeks ago we were in Tillamook, OR with Ocean Breeze Baptist Church. Once again, all of these churches have been such a blessing to our family and we have been treated much better than we deserve.
Thank you, again, for all of your prayers. It means so much to us knowing that we have so many people praying for us. God uses your prayers to strengthen us through our journeys.
Prayer requests:
· Our biggest need at this point is to set up meeting dates with churches. Please pray that we will be able to fill up our schedule as the Lord sees fit.
· We are planning to be on the road (away from Oregon) for a few weeks in February as we head out to Indiana. We will likely be there for most of the month and we are praying that our vehicles and trailer hold up for the trip. This will be our first trip with the trailer and away from home.

Faithfully in Christ—Matt, Rebekah, Emily, Michael, Chelsea, Elijah, Noah